Hi Marcus, thank you for submitting photos of the shock that you designed and built yourself. Can you please tell us about your background and why you made this shock?
Building your own shock must have been pretty difficult. Why did you decide to build a shock and not something else? Titanium Sheet

What were the goals for your shock? Were you looking for some specific improvements over existing options?
How does your shock work?
How did you ensure it is safe before you used it?
Which internal and external adjustments does your shock offer?
Many people will think that your shock looks similar to the Millyard Hypershock. Can you tell us something about the similarities and differences between these shocks?
How did you start the design process? Did you take apart a few shocks which are on the market?
What happened after that first stage?
Did you do any testing during this stage?
What were your learnings from this early stage?
What would you describe as the biggest challenge in the whole process?
Do you have any data on the cooling effect of the fins?
Which equipment did you use?
How does the shock ride?
Will we see more Marcus Holmes MTB products in the future? Will you build more shocks?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

Titanium Exhaust Tubing Is there anything else you’d like to say?